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Available for: macOS



The configuration for SnippetsLab may look similar to this:

      # Set to true if you want to use SnippetsLab.
      enabled: true
      # Path to your *.snippetslablibrary file.
      # SnipKit will try to detect this file automatically when generating the config.
      libraryPath: /path/to/main.snippetslablibrary
      # If this list is not empty, only those snippets that match the listed tags will be provided to you.
        - snipkit
        - othertag

With this example configuration, SnipKit gets all snippets from SnippetsLab which are tagged with snipkit or othertag. All other snippets will not be presented to you. If you don't want to filter for tags, set includeTags: [].

Library path

Snipkit will try to automatically detect the path to the currently configured *.snippetslablibrary file.

If you have iCloud sync enabled, the path will be similar to:

/Users/<user>/Library/Containers/com.renfei.SnippetsLab/Data/Library/Application Support/com.renfei.SnippetsLab/main.snippetslablibrary
SnippetsLab lets you configure a custom library path. In this case, SnipKit will try to detect the preferences file of SnippetsLab:


The preferences file holds the path to the current *.snippetslablibrary file (if iCloud sync is turned off).