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GitHub Gist

Available for: macOS, Linux

The GitHub Gist manager lets you provide snippets via multiple GitHub accounts. Each gist may contain multiple files which are mapped to single snippets. The gists are cached locally and synchronized manually, so accessing them is very fast.

Example Gist

Upon adding the GitHub Gist manager via snipkit manager add, SnipKit will configure a working example gist, so you can quickly see how it works.


The configuration for the GitHub Gist manager may look similar to this:

      # If set to false, github gist is disabled completely.
      enabled: true
      # You can define multiple independent GitHub Gist sources.
        - # If set to false, this GitHub gist url is ignored.
          enabled: true
          # URL to the GitHub gist account.
          # Supported values: None, OAuthDeviceFlow, PAT. Default value: None (which means no authentication). In order to retrieve secret gists, you must be authenticated.
          authenticationMethod: OAuthDeviceFlow
          # If this list is not empty, only those gists that match the listed tags will be provided to you.
          includeTags: [snipkitExample]
          # Only gist files with endings which match one of the listed suffixes will be considered.
          suffixRegex: [.sh]
          # Defines where the snippet name is extracted from (see also titleHeaderEnabled). Allowed values: DESCRIPTION, FILENAME, COMBINE, COMBINE_PREFER_DESCRIPTION.
          # If set to true, any tags will be removed from the description.
          removeTagsFromDescription: true
          # If set to true, the snippet title can be overwritten by defining a title header within the gist.
          titleHeaderEnabled: true
          # If set to true, the title header comment will not be shown in the preview window.
          hideTitleInPreview: true


All gists are cached locally. If there are updates, you have to manually trigger a synchronization process via

snipkit manager sync

There is also a shorthand alias:

snipkit sync


If authenticationMethod is set to None, only public gists are available. In order to retrieve secret gists, use one of the following values:

  • PAT
  • OAuthDeviceFlow

Value PAT refers to a personalized access token, which has to be created manually. OAuthDeviceFlow refers to the OAuth Device Flow supported by GitHub. In both cases, the scope of the token is limited to gist.

After specifying the desired authentication mechanism, just trigger a synchronization via snipkit sync. Snipkit will ask you for the PAT or perform the OAuth authorization. The access token will be stored securely (e.g., by means of Keychain on macOS).

PAT vs OAuth

If you want to use a PAT or OAuth. Both mechanisms have different advantages. With a personalized access token, you have full control over the expiration date, but you have to create the token yourself. The OAuth mechanism is more convenient since you don't have to create a token yourself. However, the token may expire sooner and you have to perform the authentication process more often.

Custom OAuth Client ID

One option which is not listed by default, since it won't be required very often, is the following:

      OAuthClientID: <client_id>

The OAuthClientID lets you specify a custom client ID when performing the OAuth authentication. This is only required if your gists are not hosted on and you want to use OAuthDeviceFlow.

Snippet Names

The name of a snippet can be retrieved by multiple ways. Set config option nameMode to one of the following values:

  • DESCRIPTION: The description of the gist will be used as name. If a gist contains multiple files, all snippets will have the same name.
  • FILENAME: The filename of the gist will be used as name.
  • COMBINE: The description and the filename of the gist will be concatenated (<description> - <filename>).
  • COMBINE_PREFER_DESCRIPTION: The description of the gist will be used as name. If a gist contains multiple files, the description and the filename of the gist will be concatenated.

Comment Syntax

SnipKit lets you also provide a different snippet name via a special comment syntax. For a more detailed description, please see section Snippet Names in file system directory. In order to enable this feature, set titleHeaderEnabled to true. If a snippet does not contain a title header comment, the specified nameMode will decide the snippet name.


The description of a gist may contain multiple tags which can be used for filtering via the includeTags option.

E.g., a gist with the description Example gist title #test #snipkit is tagged with test and snipkit. If you have set removeTagsFromDescription to true, only Example gist title will be used as Snippet Name.