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SnipKit supports built-in themes as well as the possibility to define your own custom themes.

In order to pick a different theme, edit the configuration:

version: 1.0.0
    theme: simple

Themes may have different variants for light & dark backgrounds, depending on your terminal.

Enforce light or dark theme

Sometimes SnipKit is not able to detect if you're using a light or dark background correctly. You can force a specific theme variant by explicitly defining the .light or .dark suffix, e.g., default.light or default.dark as theme name in your config.yaml.

Built-in themes

As of now, the following themes are supported:

Default Theme


Default Dark Lookup Default Dark Parameters


Default Light Lookup Default Light Parameters

Simple Theme

Simple Lookup Simple Parameters

Custom themes

Custom themes should be placed in the directory <snipkit_home>/themes/, <snikit_home> referring to the directory where your configuration lives.

A theme called custom-theme should be put into a file named custom-theme.yaml. The contents are as follows:

version: 1.0.0
  white: "#FFFFFF"
  black: "#000000"
  red: "#ED6A5A"
  green: "#44AF69"
  yellow: "#FCAB10"
  brown: "#3A3335"
  gray: "#8A8A8A"
  lightGray: "#DDDADA"
  borderColor: ${gray}
  borderTitleColor: ${gray}
  previewColorSchemeName: "pastie"
  textColor: "" # if empty the default terminal foreground color will be used
  subduedColor: ${gray}
  subduedContrastColor: ${black}
  verySubduedColor: ${lightGray}
  verySubduedContrastColor: ${black}
  activeColor: ${red} #
  activeContrastColor: ${white}
  titleColor: ${brown}
  titleContrastColor: ${white}
  highlightColor: ${green}
  highlightContrastColor: ${black}
  infoColor: ${yellow}
  infoContrastColor: ${white}
  snippetColor: ${lightGray}
  snippetContrastColor: ${black}

Example themes

You can have a look at the built-in themes for some examples.

Dark & Light themes

You can define themes differently for light & dark terminal backgrounds. Just add the suffix .light.yaml respectively .dark.yaml to the filename (e.g., example-theme.light.yaml). SnipKit will pick the appropriate theme automatically.


The usage of variables in the theme is optional. Variables help you to reuse the same color and, thus, make the theme more readable. If you don't want to use a variable, just specify the color directly, e.g.:

titleColor: "#FF0000"

Supported colors

You can either use the hex value or an ANSI code to specify a color, e.g.: #c0c0c0 or 7 for a light-gray color.

Implementation detail

The underlying library used for the colors is termenv. The Readme gives a good overview of available ANSI colors.